The new, purpose designed childcare unit features one large base room with 4 children’s toilets and a nappy change area. There is also a large foyer which incorporates an area for our children to relax.
Our after-school club will be held in the sports hall attached to the childcare unit with adjoining doors. This will give the children access to the 4 children’s toilet/2 staff toilets, role play area and chill out space on the decking area and foyer.
Our outdoor spaces are used daily to allow all children to enjoy time spent in the fresh air.
Our wraparound unit and after school club will both have access to the Cwrt Rawlin’s large outdoor play areas and forest school. We are in the process of developing our outdoor garden area. This will have an enclosed grass and decking area which will be accessible for all settlings.
We follow the principals of the seven learning outcomes and all children are encouraged to take part in activities that are suitable for their age and stage of development.
Examples of activities offered are:
·Arts and crafts – painting, sticking, junk modelling
·Sand / water play
·Outdoor play
·Soft play